Start your Fun | Focus | Play® Journey today by enrolling your  puppy into the Pawdawan Puppy Class

Does your puppy look like an angel, but act like a rogue and delinquent tearaway?

Do you despair and fear that your puppy will never learn how to behave?

Or is your puppy a Shrinking Violet that hides away, growls at other dogs and people, or lacks in confidence, leaving you worried about how she will turn out?

Whether you own a delinquent tearaway puppy or a shrinking Violet, the Fun | Focus | Play® Pawdawan Puppy class is designed to help you deal with the challenges that raising a puppy throws at you. 

By using the most up to date reward-based training techniques, interactive games and the power of play we concentrate on helping you to transform your rogue puppy into your dream dog. 

With my guidance, you will be able to build an amazing bond and fantastic relationship with your puppy by placing choice at the heart of your training. 

The Fun | Focus | Play® Pawdawan Puppy class is suitable for puppies that have finished their puppy vaccinations and are no older than 24 weeks at the time of joining. 

Strictly limited to 4 Puppies and handlers per class.

Using my innovative Fun | Focus | Playᵀᴹ method you and your puppy will learn together in a fun and informative way. I will teach you both the life skills that your puppy needs to learn to become a confident canine citizen.

During Pawdawan Puppy course we will concentrate on: 

  • Building your puppy’s confidence, so she will be able to cope with whatever life throws at her. 
  • Getting a Reliable recall, so you can enjoy off lead walks in the knowledge that your puppy will always come back to you.
  • I will show you how to stop your puppy’s pulling so you can enjoy stress-free, painless walks with your pup.
  • How to greet people and dogs, so you no longer need to feel embarrassed by your ping-ponging, jumpy dog.
  • How to be comfortable when groomed and handled, so grooming time and vets visits are stress-free and enjoyable for your puppy. 
  • Settling at home and away, so you can relax when meeting your friends and family knowing that your puppy will be on her best behaviour no matter where you are.
  • Impulse control, by getting your puppy laser-focused on you instead of every bird, rabbit or dog that crosses your path.

Throughout the course, you will be building a fantastic bond with your new puppy.

The Pawdawan Puppy Course is run as an 8-week course, on Wednesday mornings.

Next Course Starts: 

Saturday 29th July* @10:30 am – Open for booking – Spaces Available.

*Due to venue availability, the course will be an accelerated course over 4 weeks instead of 8. Each training session is 1 hr long and classes will be  being held on the following dates and times:

  • Sat 29th July at starts at 10:30 am
  • Wed 2nd August at 11:15 am 
  • Sat  5th August at 10:30 am
  • Wed 9th August at 11:15 am
  • Sat 12th August at 10:30 am 
  • Wed 16th August at 11:15 am
  • Sat 26th August at 10:30 am 
  • Tue 29th August at 10:00 am

Once you have graduated from the Pawdawan Puppy Course you will be invited to join our ongoing Rogues class to continue your training adventure. 

The Pawdawan Puppy Courses are held on Wednesdays at:

Milborne St Andrew Sports Ground

Choose from one of these 4 training packages:

Pawdawan Puppy Program

  • 8-week course – 1 hr each week

  • Exclusive Puppy Pack worth at least £25

  • 3 Months Full Access to our membership site containing valuable resources, such as weekly handouts, training videos and ebooks to help you get the most from your puppy training course

Pawdawan Puppy Plus

  • 8-week course – 1 hr each week

  • Exclusive Puppy Pack worth at least £25

  • Plus a 30-minute Pre-Puppy Zoom Call added to help you get started as soon as you have booked.

  • 3 Months Full Access to our membership site containing valuable resources, such as weekly handouts, training videos and ebooks to help you get the most from your puppy training course.


Pawdawan Puppy Premium

  • 8-week course – 1 hr each week

  • Exclusive Puppy Pack worth at least £25

  • A 30-minute Pre-Puppy Zoom Call added to help you get started as soon as you have booked.

  • Plus a 30-minute private socialisation session. 
  • 3 Months Full Access to our membership site containing valuable resources, such as weekly handouts, training videos and ebooks to help you get the most from your puppy training course.

Pawdawan Puppy Ultimate

The One-to-One Puppy Training Package.
  • 8-week course – 45-minute one-to-one training session each week.
  • Exclusive Puppy Pack worth at least £25
  • A 30-minute private socialisation session.
  • Plus a 60-minute Pre-vaccination Puppy Visit at your home to help you get the best start in life for your puppy. Our Pre-vaccination puppy visits are ideal for first-time puppy owners. As a first-time puppy owner bringing your precious bundle of fur home and preparing for your life together can be overwhelming. During this visit, I will help you get puppy ownership right from the start. 
  • Lifetime access to the online Pawdawan Puppy Course.

Are you struggling to walk your distracted puppy?

Sign up to receive your FREE copy of my "How to Walk your Distracted Puppy".

The Pawdawan  Gallery

Showcasing some of our students

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